Grand Master Anthony Wee

The Warrior Dedicated to Healing
Grandmaster Anthony Wee, the founder of Chi Dynamics International, has thousands of fans followers around the world practising his systematic art of Qigong exercise and meditation to maintain good health and for self-healing. Originally a martial art exponent, Anthony brought glory to Singapore in pugilistic competitions around the region in the 1970s. In his final 10 years, he spent much of his time and energy sharing the benefits of his Chi Dynamics brand of Qigong with others through training sessions, healing clinics and workshops on cancer care in Australia, Malaysia and Singapore.
The Early Beginnings
Born in 1943, Anthony grew up with such a fervent desire to learn "the way of the warrior" that he secretly joined a kung fu club against his father's wishes.
When he was introduced to Qi meditation at the young age of 16, he was so awed and inspired by the experience that this passion for the art has remained with him till today.
Anthony came under the tutelage of Grandmaster Tan Seow Koon, a master of the Shaolin Wu Mei art which is the secretive and highly effective method of fighting in close quarters using inner Qi power and vicious, short, sharp strokes aimed at the opponent's vulnerable pressure and nerve points. Originated by a Buddhist nun, the techniques of this art were later incorporated into the Wing Chun movement, the style of kung fu popularised by Bruce Lee.
Whilst the young Anthony was being trained "to heal as well as to hurt", he was tempted to learn the faster fighting arts like Tae Kwon Do, Karate and Boxing as most of his mates did. However, he heeded his father who reminded him of the advice of past masters that: "... kung fu without Chi Kung (inner power) will wane with age."
So, Anthony stuck to Qi meditation and ‘Sam Chien’ (iron shirt) exercises. There were occasions when he questioned his decision, especially when his mates attained their black belts and were fighting in tournaments, while he was still a novice developing his Qi power. However, time proved his wisdom. Whilst his mates dropped off along the way, Anthony went on to establish himself as an all-round exponent, learning the way of the warrior as well as the healer.
Anthony won a silver medal at the International Pugilistic competition in 1970 and he captained the Singapore Pugilistic team in 1971. In 1972, he had the privilege of demonstrating the ‘power of Qi’ to Muhammad Ali at the Goodwood Park Hotel in Singapore; in the same year, he also demonstrated the art of Qigong on Japan’s Channel 12 World Wide Sports. The non-profit Shunlin Wushu Kwan Association he founded in 1975 flourished, producing many Kung Fu champions.
The Turning Point
The turning point in Anthony’s career came when his 65-year old father suffered a stroke that paralysed the left side of his body, and was subsequently diagnosed with bronchial cancer with six to nine months to live. Under Anthony’s care and prescription of intensive Qi meditation exercises and a vegetarian diet, the cancer incredibly went into remission. His father went on to live another fifteen years before he passed away at the ripe age of 80 of other causes, not cancer.
This enlightening experience inspired Anthony to focus his attention to the effects of Qi breathing on a person’s health. This resulted in the development of his brand of Chi Dynamics Qigong, a system which has an impressive track record of benefits to its practitioners. In 1980, Anthony founded the Chi Dynamics Centre in Singapore. In 1988, a chapter in Perth, Western Australia was also established. Today, At one time, the Perth chapter had six branches; other chapters were also active in Malaysia, Thailand, the United Kingdom and Canada.
Historical Feat in Perth
A 9.3 tonne double decker bus running over Anthony (Perth, 1987). Perth was home to Anthony for a number of years. In 1987, he performed a feat never repeated since. Twice on the same day, he was run over by a 9.3 tonne double-decker bus. The first run nearly ended in disaster when the driver hesitated and stopped the bus while it was on top of him! With this display, which was reported widely in newspapers and three TV channels, Anthony proved beyond a shadow of doubt the superhuman power of Qi; more recently, he also demonstrated his prowess at the Master Sken Academy (MSA) Muay Thai Premier League in Bolton, a town in Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.
Click here to see the historical feat in Perth.
Click here to see demonstration at the MSA Muay Thai Premier League in Bolton, a town in Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.
In 1996, he founded the Water Crane Society in Perth, Western Australia, a self defence school for women based on the art of Wu Mei kung fu.
Grandmaster Anthony Wee died 27th March 2020 after a short illness, aged 77. The chapters in Singapore, Malaysia and Australia continue to offer classes, workshops and Instructor Training.
Our mission is to support the legacy of his important teachings in therapeutic qigong for vitality and health, especially for cancer patients.
Check out under “Centres” for more details.